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why in the fuck would u kiss him he's gonna remember that is gonna be fucking weird now fuck
noooooo i don't want this toxic bitch to be the ML
no no no my fucking ship please don't let my cute ship sink please
shut the fuck up motherfucker don't tell him anything
boy this is a fucking scam don't believe him please use your head it's not for decoration
motherfucker he's a scamer don't trust him "any 3 thing i ask for u must fulfill" Don't trust that
excuse me the fuck u drug him wtf bro MC is into confinement but not u fucking drugging him
that's fucking it boy i really wanna punch u stop fucking denying it
bitch u fucking G.A.Y
i'm fucking done u fucking gay asshole
bitch u fucking gay u fucking lustful for him just fucking admit it asshole
shut the fuck up asshole being orphan has nothing to do with what you are saying
oh shit, wtf just fucking happen ?she only wants a divorce why u making it harder dude?
boy what the fuck did i sign myself up for what the fuck where the BL at? where?
i fucking knew it fuck ahhhhhh
well at least he fucking know he's shameless
who the fuck r u to ask about FL also leave poor Aiden fucking alone asshole
some one make this son of a bitch shut the fuck up or better yet kill him please
1351 photos
17 10,2021 created

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