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who give a fuck? look the story have already change u might as well go full complete god mode
excuse me it's none of your business or whatsoever because you only had a deal with her
fuck this son of a bitch fucking die asshole
u r 1 sick son of a bitch that i want to see get beat up and killed
no it's because u can't have her u bitch that's y u possessive over her fuck off asshole
he fucking lying girl don't believe this asshole he fucking lying through his teeth
hahah go fuck yourself asshole
hahah go fuck yourself asshole
yo U a stupid cunt like you gonna fucking scream when you fucking ears dropping U R brainless
yo what the fuck what type of apple is she eating for the juice to go everywhere?
she is stupid no way in hell do you go close to a naked man. Gilrl got no brain and commonsense
i feel bad for the system
bro writing over dramatic tv show
hahah dude could be them India tv writer
bro better not get catfish again or fall for any lying shit that comes out of them asshole mouth
you what the fuck is this where the system at?
the fuck
wtf bro is a teach eww brother noo, i don't like this ship FL is a student brother eww
1351 photos
17 10,2021 created

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