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Yaaaaz kweenn
Yaaazz leave that sonuvabitch-pieceofshit. He zooont deserve you--
Lol, yeah right as if Yeonwoo started the kiss
Keith is a piece of shit. But like, what do I expect, its nothing new :3
Hello, Barney Stinson??
Fucking bitch---
3 weeks?? Bitch that is a major red flag. Cut em outt
Bead??? What bead?? Kwjdndnfj is it what I think it is???
Lol the mother be a circus clown
This bitch---I fucking hate their mother. SORRY NOT SORRY BITCH
At this point they should just fire banner
Yep, he is a scumbag
This is the part where you run. Doesnt matter if he is hot, you run.
Stinky shower
275 photos
05 07,2021 created

Tiwooo's other album