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Bro, are the same age
Ken you beautiful motherfucker
God, how fragile this men's ego is....
Nah that's abuse of power
U have no right to be mad or sad
Girl me neither
You deserve someone who truly loves and cares for u. Break up. He's not dense, he doesn't love u
She's right. U were mad disrespectful
Nah..this is about respecting his girlfriend. Go after someone that is available pls.
He literally wanted to leave because you're all a bunch of ugos. So don't worry, u r gonna be okay
I love his mom
Nah man, u should lead ur live in prison
That's the definition of grooming and the suspension-bridge-effect.
Oh so he has daddy issues..(I'm not joking or anything, I'm being serious)
That's illegal
2682 photos
27 06,2021 created

yeah's other album


yeah July 21, 2021 9:39 pm

just my thoughts