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I hope u die a painful and miserable death just to end up in hell for eternal suffering. left a six year old infront of a pub...there are so many things that coulve happened..
I thought he was pregnant for a sec
She's evil cause she's a lesbian????wtf
30% is way to much..why r YOU a mafia boss???
Damn yohan
Or maby, he's the younger brother??
Gosh he is that flower guy
Bro...,if only hair grew that quickly...
Yeah, she groomed you...
Because you're stupid
To someone who treats u like shit- God I'm starting to hate you
Just be a decent human being, what the fuck??
One word: pathetic
You just traumatized this boy for life and that's what u say to him? U fucking suck dude
He looks so cute...why give him muscles
"Quality boobs" women are people. Say it with me!: „WOMEN ARE PEOPLE"
2682 photos
27 06,2021 created

yeah's other album


yeah July 21, 2021 9:39 pm

just my thoughts