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they shut down the forum because you idiots won't shut your mouths about every inappropriate bullsht
no one will shut up about stuff being taken down. meanwhile nothing is taken down. shut up already.
it's not about authors. It's about you people making constant trouble, calling people pedos and running a stupid morality campaign
"rape supposed to be romantic" lie and misquote, out of context. I said rl rape is wrong. they cut that part out.
sticky socks saying she wasn't involved in the "doxxing" at the time while on the same page, dopey is talking about doxxing me
locked album of my art 02-24-2020
hacker kimvyk, Sleeoy, Otokke
sunflower_overlord, um-
inform you about members on mangago who are planing to "break mangago's report button and restore it again" after they've gotten information on me and I don't know what else. they had a meeting here to discuss it. The friend said he had his own hate group. He told the others how his group enjoyed doing bad things to certain "f'd up" people. He said he would go after "an IP address" so he could "make his work easier with your (the people there) He asked if he could send people after me. Kymvu
9 photos
03 06,2021 created

Quicksilver's other album


Quicksilver July 8, 2021 3:20 am

Sleepe, the only people I've ever known who behaved toward me the way you do are people who were in love with me. Now you're making photo albums. lol. What is it about me that causes you to spend time cropping quotes and pasting them into albums? lol

If you need me to be transphobic, fine. I don't care. Trans people are annoying. LOL Go ahead and quote me. lmao I'm not doing a walk or wearing a t-shirt for trans rights. I have other stuff I'm interested in.
Everyone is transgender

Sleepé July 18, 2021 7:17 pm

You made a photo album first <3

Kuniko June 5, 2021 5:46 am

who tf is Kymvu? didnt you say it was Kimvyk at first?-

Sleepé June 6, 2021 11:11 am

also who tf is sleeoy

Sticky Socks June 13, 2021 4:54 pm
also who tf is sleeoy Sleepé

also what does that fucking prove

Sleepé June 28, 2021 6:01 pm
also what does that fucking prove Sticky Socks

That he can't spell

Quicksilver July 7, 2021 10:26 pm
also what does that fucking prove Sticky Socks

it proves that my keyboard is fvcked up, dumbasses

☾ ㊰ Nyctophile ㊰ ☽ July 23, 2021 9:08 am
it proves that my keyboard is fvcked up, dumbasses Quicksilver

Just like your brain