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Sir, you have very big balls.

His wife is right there ya know????
Listen you little bitch.
Stfu and stop acting so annoying.
Oh fuuuuuuuuk.


End his Suffering and then kill the crown prince.

Ok maybe Ragna needs to be killed after all....
Tita, your new goal v is to kill everyone in the family and release her from that curse.

You all can go to hell.
Ohhhhhh my good.

You tried hard...
Oi, your jealously is hideous.
Both of you need to stop fucking with Izeks wife.
........ Dump him. He was the one who didn't hear you out and jumped to his own conclusions.
I see where this is going
Yeah, teach this guy too.

He needs ALOT of help.
Fuck you both.
...... ugh I feel sorry for the guy...
..... That's called trauma.
Yeah....... about that.....
136 photos
11 05,2021 created

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