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Fucking psycho bitch.

You need to be beaten real good you spoiled rotten brat.
...... Ohhh that is cheating!!! Aint no way he won't pounce on you now
...... Impotent?
Awwwww poor baby.
Bitch you need to step back.
He said he is taken and happy.
Why the fuck does you bring flowers lol
Doctor you tell that fucking lady!!!
That's right. Your wife will beat the shit outta you.
Fuck her.

She doesnt deserve you at all. Your suffering and shes being stupid
No you stupid bitch.

Hes been protecting you all along. Just go hear him out and stop being stupid
Are you seriously going to make her feed him poison.
Yeah, you both are just so perfect.
Bitch are you serious? You raped him when he was 14 and kept on doing so till recently. Go die you t
Why? Cuz your a major dumb bitch who should have helped him from the beginning.
Lady with a gun your the one who just wants to hoe around. Leave them alone.
You made your sisters life miserable because you are a fucking brat.
268 photos
07 03,2021 created

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