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Some friend you are
.... Thats a fucked up confession and you need therapy
Mmmmmmmm...... this seems sus
You are such a fucking asshole.
Yuuma, blond boy there is psycho. Hes toxic and you need therapy honey.

Your just angry he walked away instead of putting up with your denial
I swear I hope you die of that fever. You are so manipulative and that stupid bean alw falls for it.

This is not the way to go about telling him you like him.
Nonononono dit
Stockholm syndrome.
Dude. Freaking LISTEN to him. He's been trying to tell you the truth but your making shit up.
...... Why are you such a terrible person.
He really said all that. I hate when they redeem them like that.
Noooooo, you fucked her sister bro.
She dont want nothing to do with you.
284 photos
20 02,2021 created

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