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No she was actually sick you douchebag.
Boi, there's no one there to help YOU.
First of all Mr. In an open relationship and sleeps around with everyone. You need to chill.
....... You fucking know he will Ray
........ If your just saying this to keep him you are ir-redeemable
Dude, you are slowly losing the chance to be redeemed bro.
Obviously cuz you didnt exactly take him in with good intentions
Go fuck off please
You really have no right to be called a father you piece of trash.
Bitch. Don't talk badly about him just cuz he pointed out your stupidity.
Dyde, what the frick is your deal???
Alex he made our bean cry. Slaughter him in a mega cruel way.
You actually condone rape as it would teach a dirtbag what it feels like.
You piece of garbage. Walk away NOW while you still can.
Dude just freaking move on.
You loser.
You really are trash
Your abusive boyfriend gets jumped by your new psycho lover candidate.
284 photos
20 02,2021 created

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