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WAIT. How'd you know her name was Letizia. She introduced herself as Letty??!! I'm SUSPICIOUS XD
YOU IDIOT. You're still stuck in the carriage with him! Don't piss him off!
8 HOURS?! My hand dies after 1!
Aw! I like you! You're not jealous at all! :)
WTH are you wearing to a hospital!? THOSE CLOTHES ARE TOO NICE.
Oh baby nooooo - That's not narcissism -- That's a mental health crisis.
You guys are 10! Why are you discussing these sorts of things?! Don't you find it strange Cosette??
Wow lady. You're absolutely disgusting.
What a twerp
A brain gathering - like in Inside Out~!
This should be a scene in a BL xD
WTF pointy nose
I get what you're saying... but it still sounds as if the DUKE is the Demon King's lover!
OH! OHHHHHH!!! Is she a reincarnation... reincarnee? reincarnater??? ... too!?
I'm pretty sure.. what you're doing... is not possible with a broken arm, even bandaged like that
Questioning. Ragey. WTF. General moments
71 photos
18 06,2016 created