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Daisy flowers do seem to match her tho
dang he look young, maybe its because it doesn't have a beard
ohh nuuuu not the eyes ;-;
yup that's totally what I thought of first
..Is it just me or did anyone else have a dirty mind and think of his thing first instead his growth
ahaha, Giryu's filter sure is very pretty
:) so lively, I hope it stays this way
oh boy here we go again lol
this is too cute...their fighting makes me smile for some reason lol :)
haha love how maguni's being used lol
haha, I also agree that she is very pretty
how'd she know her already, did she have a Gilliard dream?
these two reminds me so much of Dame Kasia and that guy named Ernon I think
pfftt dang he sure is great at drawing
awww those little hands raised are so cute
4611 photos
21 01,2021 created

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