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idiot twin dragon slayers!! you just noticed his strength?!
kick their asses!! Go Natsu!! you're the best!!
kyaaaa!!! when Natsu says it he means it unlike you shitty stingue!
awesomeness or stupidness...? (i think both words don't exist but who cares?! Natsu is awesome!!)
kyaaa! i get the journalist who only says the word cool!! they are so cool!!!!
muwahahaha take that shitty sabertooth!!
pffft that's your bestest shitty stingue?! hahaha ridiculous!
kyaaa!! badass Natsu's Fairy Tail!!
Erza is so cool!!! kick their asses!!!
kyaaa!! i was so proud of wendy in this part!! she was so cool!!
crush them!!!!!
i love how she fooled all of them!! but why the heck did she strip?
kyaaaa!! Erza is so cool and simply perfect! Jellal better behave!
kyaaaaa!!! i just love Erza!! go win this girl!!
natsu does!
83 photos
25 05,2016 created

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