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kyaaaa!!happy!! i freaking love you! i was so scared when i saw this scene in the anime!!
carla certainly fell for him at this moment
damn happy is so cool!! even happy is cooler than lucy!
makarov is the coolest master ever!
ike! laxus-chan!!
it took themsome time to figure out that fairy tail should be their pride!
lucy sounded cool but she obviously cant do anything to protect the futur, natsu is the one who will
i told you don't try dumbass! when Erza says it's the end then it IS the END period!
Minerva seriously don't try Erza said it was the end
go erza!!! no one can defeat Erza-sama
kyaaa!!! Natsu is the best and every person who try to be like him become the best! go laxus!!!
Kyaaa! so cool Mavis-sama!!
83 photos
25 05,2016 created

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