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awww!! i absolutely love you Makarov! it was stupid of me not to realize this was his reason!
go Juvia! kick her ass and the gray's too!
kya!Nalu moment~
natsu really isn't stupid!
kyaaaaaaaaaa!! nastu so cool!!
took her some time to figure out how strong erza-sama is!
damn! erza really is the best
i always knew happy was smart
rare moment where lucy is actually cool adn a bit useful!
i really loved this episode of the anime
that's Erza for you! the rest of you guys are being pretty much useless right now!
damn!! erza is such a bad ass! she doesn't need the useless Jellal
oh my gosh!!carla is so cute she definitelyfellformy happy!!cansomeoneblameher?escpeciallywithaircut
83 photos
25 05,2016 created

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