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That ain't the face of a joker.
Oh shit.

Run, that bastard is crazy and sadistic. Leave our drink baby alone!!!!!
Fuck you Chay, you can't have it both ways just because you say so.
Wow you are loyal to your friends decendant
Ohhhhh so you were actually real and not just in Narukos head.
He spoke!!!

Run away with Mom.
Why....... what's in it for you?......

Sus as fuk.
Awwwww this piece of shit would never.
Awwww baby girl.

You will soon have a bundle of unconditional love soon.

She isn't single anymore.
Waiiiiiit this MFkr looks a bit too eager.......
Now tell us sike on Zach being dead plz.
Wellllllllll how did you lose your mind in the time of 1000 years.
You are?

Nigga you are a few chapters ahead of the rest of us. Slow down a bit.
You help now?
Let Ship sail now???
Ummmm but that's what got did to them so why are you bitching???
You sound so suspicious though man.
335 photos
02 01,2021 created

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