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Ohhhhhh shit.

He can be reasonable. There might be hope.
A bored ruler is just not good.


Divorce on the death bed...... that's harsh.
Oh look, she remembered she's a mother. How fucking amazing.
Someone is showing off quite a bit.

Wink wink, nudge nudge
Clean up? Lmfaooo

You do have motherly qualities hun.
Don't tease me like this.
Uh oh.

Run Wei!!!
Just leave it alone for now bud.
Lan Zhan, did you just want to hug him again. Wtf.
Ohhhhhhhh she's throwing out shade facts!!!!

Well you don't look fucking insane Sujin.
You fucking stole the game from your sister on purpose
didn't you.
Ohhhh you fixated on a new crush.

Careful what you wish for.

Ursch, be a bit more romantic!
The kids still a minor!

Watch it.
Well that's not desperate and toxic af
335 photos
02 01,2021 created

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