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Why should we belive you???
Don't listen to her ass, guard. Give it to him now so he can begin to repent.
So both sets of siblings are just going to commit Incest and that's ok.
Oh nooooooo.
Bean don't snap!!! We don't know if you can hide the body well or not.
My my my.

What has just begun and how do we speed things up?
Ohhhhh there's someone perfect for that role.
Oh look.

Proof your Mother is a murderer and you are a whore.
You should care about the babies.
The whole family shouldn't be punished because of one bastard
Waiiiit, that man is innocent so far
.......... I wonder what we'd learn if we could see your side of the story Duke.
All your fucking excuses.
Just admit you are a fucking idiot and shut up.

He better corporate later lmfaooo
So you know how to feel regret? Not good enough for me yet. Failure of a Adult.
I'm sorry are we supposed to feel bad for that bitch?

Good. She should have been punished more tho.

Methinks he fell in love....
You deserve to live.

Hang in there.
335 photos
02 01,2021 created

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