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Now that you know hunt the bastard down vehemently
Oh baby.

Wait they are taking you to her. Just wait!
Hang on baby boy.

They will come for you
She hiding the cubs that will grow up to tear out that fuckers throat for her.

We need to survive and then kill those bastards.

Buddy you are being awfully harsh.
Fuck this shit.

Stupid ass feels
Noooooo not the puppy!!!!
No baby girl.

Asshole. Hug her!!!
She's just feeling really tired honey bear
I'm not crying......
3 more years to go...

Hang in there a bit long baby boy
One lost a daughter and the baby boy lost his whole world
No no no no no

I demand justice for Sang!!!!

I demand it!
495 photos
31 12,2020 created

Dee Dee's other album