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Dad............u kinda gross
we all know wht he wants....;) (Isn't it why he became teach in a all boiz HS *Cough*Cough* BLEEEEH)
Now I'm just sad I don't have any 'S' in my name...for shet, cause I'm garbage =)
2495 photos
05 12,2020 created

Dis~Ole~Blue~Dick❄'s other album

  • ~Hilarious Crap~

    Shet that makes me laugh. Real hard. Like I'm dying of asphyxia on the floor rolling and flapping like a fish.
    Maybe it won't make you giggle; I have weird tastes *Shrug*

    *Sometimes I just take the center Page of a multiple Pages it may start/end few Pages earlier and later. Some are also super outta context. Thanks for understanding*

    (#Mainly Yaoi/Shonen-ai)

    1147 photos
  • Amen///

    Sometimes corny or cheesy, ridiculous or taboo; but always true.

    (#Mainly Yaoi/Shonen-ai)

    29 photos
  • THAT face, THAT moment, THAT reaction

    It's like those lines, those drawings, those events...were written just for me, or about me....I feel soooooo AppEalLeEeEeeeeEed

    2847 photos