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sleeping under a tree
kiss kiss baby
forehead kiss
so pretty
his words are harsh, but that expression, that's love darling
what??? not popular with girls, LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!!
man delinquents are hot
gorgeous im in love and he's beautiful expression!
i want a guy to be like this to me <3
oh my gosh, he's SO freaking pretty!!!
look at dem wings~
it stinks caring too much about what others think, it's what we're taught...
It's the chin right? That's how to make long hair look manly?
Oh my gosh, he's beautiful
Great hair and headshot
I have such a hard time drawing guys and facial expressions
74 photos
30 03,2016 created

Tanssia's other album

  • No better sensei than manga

    The things I learn from manga, the quotes, are effing life changing. Now that I found out how this album thing works, I'm def gonna be saving my favorite quotes, bc there are SO many brilliant ones. lol, I feel like I may have just found a pot of gold!!! Cue manically evil laugh bwhwaaahhaheha <3 XD

    59 photos