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bitch who are you?! weird ass
this rat is livin in her own world
listen here dummy it's none ofyour business so don't ask
reading this is torture
right, how dare you? even if he came back. he came back after enjoying himself wat kinda life is dat
ugh these 2 r tiring, get over urself n stop dragging ppl into ur problems
i feel like slapping this idiot. the fucking nerve
I can't with the foolishness, they better be his long lost nieces or I'm throwing this shit away
then bitch u take care of him dafuq?
don't fall for it gurl, it's not ur fault for marrying it's his fault for staying after realizing
fate can lick my asshole, this dude is a player and scam artist selling a dream
These are just the sweet words of a nice guy who's still married to his unaware wife p.o.s
L sister n a bitch
bitch worry bout ur stank ass personality b4 u comment bout what people need to fix
fighting over a dude that doesn't want either of you
dat piece of shit molester/rapist? didn't have courage...that's not the issue
what a bitch, i thot u were supposed to b a doc n not a politician
this is so stupid. at this point it's literally a mob struggling with low income kid runaways
1149 photos
28 11,2020 created

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