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this lame ass loser bih, get another friend then, waste of space gutter rat
slut?! tsundere trash out here calling ppl sluts oh basic ass loser runs away den comes bk the same
what a bitch! be honest after you did what you did at least, fukin rat
i was ready 4 those useless ppl to die, u understand u get paid this dude right? lame ass
i hate this comic and I hope they dont end up together
???? delusional????
bruh the ignorance oh lion king head ass
what a psycho
no darling, the chase is not a thing, if they don't want you or cant admit they want you then leave
it's giving weird considering what u've been thru, he's sleeping bro...taking advantage
you cheated, dafuq?
dumb ass rapist
that's wat u get u manipulative asshole
then he'll just have him at home and no longer need to go to work.... bruh rich ppl stink
he is being close minded but you dont take that lightly wtf?!
dumbass self-involved rat
bitch who are you?! weird ass
1148 photos
28 11,2020 created

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