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1 Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata - Shingo & Keiichi's Love begins.
2 Kuroneko Kareshi no Amaekata - A Lover's Quarrel
3 Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata - Move to live together as a couple
4 Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata - Interfered by Arrogant Bro/ WereLeopard Clan Leader
➽ 4.1 Fukigen kareshi no Nadamekata (Side Story) - Big Bro x Caretaker Eli
5 Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata - Shingo's opponent appears.
6 Kuroneko to Kareshi to Ouji - "Shingo, pls look after me~" said puppy-eyes Rio.
➽ 6.1
0 photos
30 10,2020 created

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