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Don't fall for the tom foolery
I hate fake bitches anyway I'm liking Jisuh so far very honest with himself so far
yeah just like the story
new meaning to cut throat ba da doosh
is he a fucking fox or a vampire? wth lol
What's goin on with glasses dude's hand?
I think that's a valid question. Why did he go thru his phone?
the beat down lol
we were hungry lol
Kween lol
Kinda cool, wish it was a yaoi tho
that actually is a relief lol
Yes bitch, professional an' all dem tings
hopefully he's not an asshole nice guy
If only this were the case but i'm sure author's going to revers uno blue eyes white dragon us
I feel like I'm reading BJ Alex again and it's even more frustrating
1215 photos
24 08,2020 created

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