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Album Tag: yandere

231 photo
04 02,2024 created

Yandere characters when they have pictures of their crush on the wall >>>>>>>>>>>> (or act completely shameless infront of everyone cause they dont care abt anyone but their crush >>>>>)
15 photo
16 11,2023 created

Some of the best DARK and TWISTED SCENES
254 photo
21 12,2020 created

243 photo
04 10,2022 created

red is my favorite color
10 photo
01 06,2023 created

Yandere faces that get me scaroused (scared + aroused).
283 photo
29 05,2023 created

I clearly have a type
79 photo
11 07,2021 created

This are just pictures that remind me of yanderes. This is just my opinion,
0 photo
06 10,2022 created

yandere mls that are a red flag but yet I’ll still read it lol
0 photo
22 08,2022 created

46 photo
15 05,2022 created

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