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These are screenshots of photos I edited by enhancing the color. Plus I really like the photos.
15 photo
30 11,2019 created

Everything and everyone fades away, sound, everything. And in that moment it's just you and him, nothing matters in that split moment. For that split moment everything is perfect and you both except each other. And in that moment the light shines on just you too and it makes you feel like your the only two in this beautiful world.
10 photo
27 11,2019 created

Just a page that makes me sit back and admire the skill.
1 photo
14 10,2019 created

42 photo
07 10,2019 created

36 photo
24 04,2019 created

12 photo
24 04,2019 created

667 photo
15 12,2015 created

Whenever I read a manga with beautiful brackgrounds I feel really impressed of the mangakas abilities
8 photo
26 08,2018 created

270 photo
09 08,2018 created

This is what love looks like captured by mangakas exquisitely
5 photo
23 07,2018 created

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