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Just gonna clear this misconception

10isha July 19, 2020 8:51 am

I've seen loads of comments about reporting this story because of the enslavement of people with melanin in the storyline. As a black person these comments kinda annoyed me. This story is relatively new so for starters instead of reporting it maybe you should take into account that Maybe just Maybe the author did this in response to the recent events in BLM and is tryna educate through art (idk just a thought since im an artist as well as a poc). Secondly..... Just because you have melanin doesn't mean you black. The artist didn't create the spinels with afro Caribbean hair and as black person it's VERY UNLIKELY to have hair that long whilst it's also being curly.

In summary I think that instead of reporting this story you should continue reading to not only see how the author portrays the possible emotions of a slave but to get an insight to slavery (again idk) and also to just appreciate the beautiful artwork. Plsu who knows the author could be a poc (idk it's just a guess)

Okay this was a lot I'll go now :p

    Baby tiana July 19, 2020 9:36 am

    I honestly didn't think about the skin colour or the slavery part of it at all. I was just fascinated with the art and story. It was when i saw your comment that i realized that some people might have a problem.
    I'm black and i don't have a problem with it too. Why would you even want to take time to report this when you can just read something else ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Langchimaple July 19, 2020 10:29 pm

    I'm writing comments and your notifications are showing but I'm not able to view them. Anyways, you can share your views here

    Langchimaple July 19, 2020 10:34 pm
    I'm writing comments and your notifications are showing but I'm not able to view them. Anyways, you can share your views here Langchimaple

    Wait,I didn't block you I can see your profile and comment ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭Why did you block me?

    Osumasusfujoshi July 19, 2020 11:47 pm

    Lmao i cant---
    Bruh, it doesn't mean that they're 'dark' they are Black okay? BUT, even if they are, I don't see the problem with it. THERE'S LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF MANGAS/MANHWAS there, that also has a 'slavery' plot :)))
    I have a black friend that also reads this :)
    I have a white frje3that also reads this. :)
    I'm an asian :)
    My point is, PLEASE. STOP. BEING. SO. PROBLEMATIC. I know you will backfire me with your "sUprEmE" comments thinkinf that YOU are always right. I just can't anymore. Do you think reporting it to the creator will help 'IT'?? Do you think that its gonna change the world?? Lmaoooo

    Langchimaple July 19, 2020 11:55 pm
    Lmao i cant---Bruh, it doesn't mean that they're 'dark' they are Black okay? BUT, even if they are, I don't see the problem with it. THERE'S LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF MANGAS/MANHWAS there, that also has a 'slavery'... Osumasusfujoshi

    She finna block you like she blocked me

    Langchimaple July 20, 2020 12:33 am

    antidote,if I would have blocked you,you wouldn't be able to reply me by taping the "reply" icon below my comment because if I would have blocked you,that option would vanish.The very fact that you succeeded in replying to my comment particularly proves that I never blocked you.Also,I did receive your replies in your post earlier,not my fault that your network is slow.You call me idiot,but you are the idiot here.I tried sharing my views with you but you are being so rude. Don't assume things.I get that your ancestors suffered but I pity them because if people like you are the voice for them then don't expect people to understand your pain.You get triggered with a single opinion that doesn't go with your principle. When someone writes something to you, you just gaze over the good points and focus on the negative ones. Don't bring race in every thing, that is also racism.I know saying these things are useless because you aren't ready to accept that you can be wrong. Lastly, check your internet, just because it turns slow, don't assume that someone blocked you.

    10isha July 20, 2020 2:01 am
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    furthermore when I said curly hair I meant AFRO CARIBBEAN hair in which, yes, you need to be a poc of colour to have afro Caribbean hair. When making the comment instead. Of saying curly hair I was going to say natural hair but I wasn't sure if everyone would of understood what I meant by natural hair so I just said curly. I apologise if I made you misunderstand. Also I say that it's very unlikely to have long natural hair for the soul fact that the qualitys of natural curly hair makes it difficult to grow it to such lengths as natural hair is generally mor dry and can break and damage a lot easier.

    Thirdly, I'm sure that during the slave trade there was at least ONE romantic relationship between white and black. Idk it's just a probability. Just because the author has portrayed their "message" in a romantic way (as you would expect since this is the yaoi genre) DOESN'T mean that they are trying to romanticise the slave trade. They are simply trying to convey their "message" and perspective through a genre. This is the authors first piece from the looks of it as well so Maybe they are specialised in this specific genre. As an artist, when I try to convey as message through my work I convey through my specific art style.

    FINALLY (and ik this was a lot AGAIN) I DIDN'T TAKE HISTORY as a subject in my gcse( I'm from the UK) therefore I do not know anything about any other slave trade other then the one related to my ancestry. I don't mean to be ignorant and I probably research that slavery later but if you know about it then all you had to do was simply CORRECT my misconception. And educate me on the fact that I got the wrong slave trade. However in my defense people in the comments which drove me to write the original comment I made weren't talking about the slavery you mentioned (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    10isha July 20, 2020 2:24 am

    OKAY HOLD UP... WAIT A MINUTE... Issa chopper.

    I digress. Anyways I simply made an opinion. I believe and stand by the fact that my opinion was as open minded as possible.


    As I titled my comment. I was clearing any misconceptions. I apologise if I myself created misconceptions.
    I've read over all the replies and I don't understand what is going on in most of then and who agrees and who disagrees with my opinion. But one of The main reasons I made this comment was because i as an artist convey my thoughts, feelings and perspectives through my art. Every artist has their own unique style and way the portray their message. I felt offended for the author and artist of this story because I felt it was very unfair to criticise and REPORT their work because you DIDN'T agree with the way they express themselves. Yes I understand that for many people they felt that the artist and author were romanticising the slave trade however I disagree as I see it from the perspective that they are conveying a message through their style of art. Furthermore I think that to portray such an important message through as subject such as romance was a good idea. I think this because typically the people who read such genres are more empathetic. I love reading these genre because I can empathise very strongly with the characters and feel what they feel. When their heart aches, so does mine. In summary, to try and convey the perspective a slave, I think it was smart to choose a genre in which people are more likely to be able to empathise with the characters (if that makes sense) especially a genre such a yaoi where there are a lot of female &male readers who are very protective of the vulnerable characters in a story. (we get angry when bad characters in the story hurt and Pain a "vulnerable" character) IN SHORT THE FANS OF THE YAOI GENRE ARE TYPICALLY MORE SENSITIVE AND LOVE TO GET INVOLVED IN THE STORYLINE THERFORE WE ARE MORE LIKELY TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE MESSAGE THE AUTHOR IS TRYINING TO CONVEY.

    omg that's another big rant. I'm sorry ( ̄∇ ̄")
    You probably gave up reading what I write, and. I haven't read over what I just wrote so It probably makes no sense and is completely of topic, sorry

    10isha July 20, 2020 2:40 am
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    I'm not sure if you read what I wrote (I wouldn't blame you if you didn't since it was A lot) but I remember mentioning, I think, that I was from the UK. I have never heard of "boondocks" so I'm assuminggggg it's not British. Furthermore I do not care if their is another meaning to the word I associate the word as a racial slur, used to discrimate against people of colour.

    Just because it has another meaning doesn't mean its okay to use it. Also you said "koon behaviour". Coon is used as a racist word so you cannot expect people to not call racism when you put behavior and a racist word together.
    For example, negro means black in Spanish. If you said negro behaviour. That would translate to black behaviour. Which many people would say is racist. However in Korea, "black" is commonly associated with being a bad person or evil ( don't come at me, I got that from reading manhwa). So you could look at "negro behaviour" as translating to "bad/evil behaviour". Even though it has another meaning it can still be racist if used in a certain context. You used "coon" in a comment where you mentioned slavery and Black people. I'm blowing this out of context now, but if this comment got taken to court as hate crime, Simply saying that you meant "coon" as in whatever you meant it idk. Would not justify you being able to the word because of the context it was in.

    10isha July 20, 2020 2:51 am
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    You take history as an a-level... Okay.

    I.... Don't. Soooo if your expecting me to know about it I'm afraid I'm not that educated. The history I know of the Atlantic slavery, I don't need to be taught in school and I learnt it from the soul fact I'm from Bristol. Ya might of heard of it, it went worldwide when Edward Colston was pulled down.... Ya. The reason Im not good at history and don't really research it is BECAUSE I have bad memory (ik surprising). Ik what I need to know about the slave trade which I taught myself and revised through poetry. Furthermore, just like you, I'm an a-level student. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND, BUT I take two coursework subjects and I Do not have the time to research history. I apologise for not taking up my precious time to stop the work that's going to get me MY career and help me move forward in MY life, just to research about other people's life. Ngl, I'm tryna move forward in life, not go back.

    Anyways If your from the UK you should be aware that it's 3:51am int he morning and I have not slept. So I would appreciate if you just.... Hmmm... Ignore me. And stop debating with me. I have taken into account your opinion. Please take into account mine.

    10isha July 20, 2020 3:17 am
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    Woahhhhh, okay I just searched up what "uncle ruckus" is.

    "worship the white race"......
    Honestly.. Who do you think you are. Because I have an opinion that doesn't match Yours I'm "worshiping the white race"

    WOWWWW lmao ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
    Bro I'm tired as shit and after I write this I'm going to bed. But seriously. I can only guess what kind of person you are. I NEVER ONCE mentioned the white race or spoke about it as a superior race. I never wrote anything rude in my original comment and was civilised. I simply gave my opinion as an artist, a writer, and empathetic person, and a black person. Yet you responded rudely and insulted me. I have white family and I have black family. HOWEVER I DO NOT LOOK AT A PERSON SKIN COLOUR AND AUTOMATICALLY PUT THEM ON A PEDESTAL. I am actually really offended that you would insult me and basically call me a racist because I didn't agree with the people who thought it was okay to criticise someone's work and report in such an ignorant manner.
    And tbh your probably the type of person who goes around calling poc "WHITEWASHED" BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T AGREE WITH YOU OPINION AND INSTEAD WAS OPEN MINDED. you have chosen to be ignorant and I hope for God sake that you are not fighting in blm. Because black lives matter is fighting for equality and for you to call me an uncle ruckus IS saying I am wrong to have my opinion and be open minded to the fact that MAYBE NOT EVERYTHING THAT MENTIONS THE DARK SIDE OF SLAVERY IS WRONG AND SHOULD BE TAKEN DOWN.

    10isha July 20, 2020 11:08 am
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    But I never once acted like and uncle ruckus. Uncle ruckus is internally racist yet in my comments I never once made once race appear more superior that the other. In my original comment I used words such as "possibly", "perhaps", "very unlikely", "maybe" ect. I never used any words with the synonyms of definitely or impossible. I simple gave an opinion and insight into a different perspective of this manga. I WAS open minded and used those specific words in speech bubbles because I AM AWARE that the manhwa does have very negative and sensitive aspects to it. There was NO REASON to call me an uncle ruckus because I didn't not "worship the white race" or use racial slurs in my comment I simple gave an open minded opinion to try and attempt to open the eyes of ignorant people who instantly called the mahwa wrong and reported it instead of looking at the other possibilities and meaning behind WHG the author and artist decided to publish this mahwa.
    I have a job, I'm a young carer, and I take art, music, law and psychology as an a-level. YES YOU may have time to take out of your life to research. I Don't have time. I also don't feel I need to know, as me knowing deeper into the slave trade doesn't help me progress in life. Furthermore it happened over 200 years ago. For all I know my ancestors could have been white.
    I'm also tired of this debate with you. You are literally the only person who responded negatively with an attitude to my comment. Yes I support blm. AND NO its isn't wrong for me to do that. I hate ignorance and its people like me who need to also fight for blm because its people like me who shut the ignorant ass people up.

    If you can tell how I was being an "uncle ruckus" I beg you to go ahead. PLEASE tell me HOW I was was being ignorant. And PLEASE elaborate on WHY MY OPINION was so wrong and why blm is "fucked" because I support it. I'm fighting for equality. As should everyone else in blm. If you can tell me where I have displayed inequality I would be grateful.

    Or don't. I can't be asked with you anymore

    10isha July 20, 2020 11:16 am
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    ALSOOOOOO If you don't like the manga..... GO READ SOMETHING ELSE. don't bring an artist and author down because you didn't agree with them. Instead give them healthy criticism. THAT was the wholeeeeee point I was trying to make in my original comment. You just blew it completely out of context by basically calling me internally racist. Alsoooooo uncle ruckus is someone who goes in the category "whitewashed" (whatever that means). So yeah....... You were technically indirectly racist and discriminatory towards me. Whether you meant it or not.

    10isha July 20, 2020 12:12 pm
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    You used to hate parts of you cuz you black. What's that got to do with me. If your insinuating that I am hold some kinda grudge or whatever because of my environment and skin colour you are sorely mistaken. Yes I've grown up in an environment where there weren't many black people but I've never disliked myself because I look different. I've never been discrimated against and instead I've grown up being told how beautiful my curly hair is and how people were envious of my dark skin and hair. I've never felt the need to change if that's what your insinuating. I don't think I quite understand what your saying.

    Osumasusfujoshi July 20, 2020 2:04 pm
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    BruH- im Filipino lmfao--- what i was trynna say there (how my black, and white friend's think of the manhwa) is that, it doesn't matter what ur race is or what kind of human or freaking creature you are, its their own opinion. You know, I could have respected yours IF its not THAT problematic. You can just state it as, you dislike it or you find it gross. NO ONE WAS ASKING YOU in the first place. You can like the genre, but not the story. THAT'S IT MAN. But the problem is, you are too problematic and trynna make it a big issue dude. And please change the way you try to make your reply look so intimidating and supreme like your the right one coz it doesn't make u look cool lmfao.

    weeeeeoooooweeeeooooo June 5, 2021 6:18 pm
    Lmao i cant---Bruh, it doesn't mean that they're 'dark' they are Black okay? BUT, even if they are, I don't see the problem with it. THERE'S LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF MANGAS/MANHWAS there, that also has a 'slavery'... Osumasusfujoshi

    but that's what they said