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okay.. hirofumi is not an asshole. i'm going to say this now, he has had bad experiences w...

babyblue June 28, 2014 11:31 am

okay.. hirofumi is not an asshole. i'm going to say this now, he has had bad experiences with males before and he was originally straight as an arrow. all of a sudden he wakes up after 2 years finding out he's gone all the way with a dude, currently in a relationship with a dude and even better yet, he has serious psychological scars and problems. now he has finally accepted daigo EVEN THOUGH he's not gay and amnesiac self practically forced it along with EVERYONE ELSE. so now even though he's accepted him, which i think is a freaking miracle. and now you guys are nitpicking everything that he does out of pure weakness and him being human like. i don't think it was exactly wrong for him to go to that girl's house. did you think he was there to cheat on daigo? NO. he went there so daigo couldn't find him and do crazy shit any further. his fucking family doesn't even support him. but instead supports daigo and would inform him of fumihiro's whereabouts. this is what gets my blood boiling. and when chika hit him across the face. he did not deserve that. it's daigo's own doing. he did what he did to himself all on his own. FOR GOOD REASON, it's like she's blaming her own brother for trying to protect himself. that isn't right. overall the story was alright. the ending had no real closure, not solving anything. reading the sequel made me think that the prequel isn't as beautiful and perfect of an ending..

i believe that fumihiro cannot heal him. it will never be a healthy relationship. and that makes me pretty sad.

    Anonymous August 2, 2014 6:01 am

    I agree 100%

    Arekushieru January 19, 2015 1:47 pm

    OMG, I LOVE you. All that you said about Hirofumi and Chika and Daigo. There's only one other time that I've called a female character a bitch online. So this makes it the second time ONLY, then. I, just, don't have words for how ENRAGED Chika makes me feel, other than that word. Anyone who defends Daigo and blames Hirofumi basically is saying that we shouldn't blame abusers for being abusive because they've had this oh-so-traumatic life and that we should blame their victims for being abused. But, unlike you, I think, I saw this in the prequel as well, so, in my case, I was hoping that the sequel would actually improve on the former, but it didn't do that sadly. However, I appreciate seeing someone else grasping just how problematic this manga was, considering that I don't usually have any luck meeting such rational people as you on sites like this.

    aerslevdi October 8, 2015 7:03 pm

    Thank you! I couldn't understand how people failed to see the fact the Hurofumi woke up in the middle of the night disoriented with Daigo next to him. Anyone who had to go through what Hurofumi went through wild have thought the same "I must get away as soon as possible". Is something instinctive. Yeah, when he calmed down he saw that he should face Daigo. But the sister's reaction was too much and in the end the problem was not addressed properly.

    Himeowchama July 25, 2017 6:24 pm