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Rin Hana July 25, 2019 9:09 am

Danny nvr sleep with other man beside Lance. He just lied. The kiss mark is from fox guy (purposely for showing off to lance so he will gv up).
Next-They will hv lot of s*x until lance saw danny is lifeless (its looks violently but its not like danny hates him actually, he was under pressure of lance’s family). That’s why Lance finally gv up on him coz’ he believe danny has no longer interested in him..*sob*sob.. uwuuu.. lance took entrance exam to diff college from danny.. Danny’s condition worsens after lance leave him. He was in depression. 1night on graduation gathering, mandy told lance to settle down things bfore go. Well.. lance save danny from a psyco-pedo when he arrived*skip tht part**. And lance leave....finale->Lance’s brother met danny. He told him that the after danny woke up from coma, grandma was so angry. Basically lance was thrown away by his fmly bcause chose danny even after all fmly opposed his relationship.
Mandy told danny to be honest with lance since that guy has sacrificed his life for danny since the 1st day they met. Chp. 60– i cried when danny run to lance & he finally confessed to lance.

Extras; lance always afraid wake up in the morning when he opens his eyes, danny was in his arms. “Is this dream? I always afraid you will leave me again, if that happens, i’ll choose to not wake again, so i can dream to always have u”...

    Anonymous July 25, 2019 9:15 am

    Nanda koreeee…!! how could that sly fox cheat on Wes my bear. this manhua is so mess up

    Anonymous July 25, 2019 9:19 am

    I need a devoted man like Lance.. danny don't deserve him. he is selfish. lance did so many things for him and he dare to breaks lance's heart. pfftt what a joke

    Rin Hana July 25, 2019 9:24 am
    Nanda koreeee…!! how could that sly fox cheat on Wes my bear. this manhua is so mess up @Anonymous

    sigh... would u read properly Anon-san? No one is cheating here. it just for a show to make lance gv up. Wes also knows that his boy was just tryin' to help danny. no need to be salty

    Her Highness July 25, 2019 10:18 am
    I need a devoted man like Lance.. danny don't deserve him. he is selfish. lance did so many things for him and he dare to breaks lance's heart. pfftt what a joke @Anonymous

    He was so under pressured. This is reality. Not everyone can accept who you are and what you chose. Lance family is so against on their relationship. What can danny do? When all he thinks he's a burden to lance. Even the mother of lance said it clearly and precisely. Like she doesn't care whatever danny or lance feel as long as his son becomes "normal" (tsk hating this word now). Danny went through a lot when he's young up until now. He never receive the love of a family. Only lance did. I hope you're reading it carefully with the best of your understanding.

    Anonymous July 25, 2019 10:49 am
    He was so under pressured. This is reality. Not everyone can accept who you are and what you chose. Lance family is so against on their relationship. What can danny do? When all he thinks he's a burden to lance... Her Highness

    isn't that selfish? he made his own decision without discussing all with Lance. he said he love lance but his action was contradicted. If Lance could leave his family because of Danny, why does Danny gave up easily? Lance's effort is vain. Danny even breaks Lance heart with all his lies. Isn't that unfair? Just because you're under pressure, doesn't mean you have to hurt other people. He had choice, why does he choose to leave instead of facing it together? He wants to protect Lance but he was just trying to protect himself for being hurt in the future.

    godrena July 25, 2019 11:05 am

    where did you read the raws? can you share the link for it? :) please!

    madqueen9369 July 25, 2019 11:48 am
    I need a devoted man like Lance.. danny don't deserve him. he is selfish. lance did so many things for him and he dare to breaks lance's heart. pfftt what a joke @Anonymous

    Danny was basically abused at least emotionally from birth, then the whole pedo teacher thing happens. For the first twenty chapters he didn't even want to admit he was gay. Danny was immensely disgusted with himself, (Internalized Homophobia), he criticized himself for lusting after Lance like Pedo Teacher did him. coming out is a process that is both difficult and different for everybody and that's without the trauma of being molested ((VIOLENTLY)) as a child.

    As merely an ally I try my best not to fetishize the LGBT ,and while this is yaoi, one should always read with a level heart and respect

    Anonymous July 25, 2019 1:03 pm
    Danny was basically abused at least emotionally from birth, then the whole pedo teacher thing happens. For the first twenty chapters he didn't even want to admit he was gay. Danny was immensely disgusted with h... madqueen9369

    I’m not talking about their past but the current them. Danny knows Lance loves him so much. He is loyal like a dog. Can he at least return Lance kindness? He piss me off. It always Lance who take initiative. Danny keep making wrong decision.. can he at least think before decide something. He’s too weak in mind

    Anonymous July 25, 2019 1:05 pm

    Wow this sure hurts a lot even tho how dumb this appears

    Wtf July 25, 2019 1:27 pm

    Should i skip this drama? What chapter did they resolve this problem?

    Her Highness July 25, 2019 2:03 pm
    isn't that selfish? he made his own decision without discussing all with Lance. he said he love lance but his action was contradicted. If Lance could leave his family because of Danny, why does Danny gave up ea... @Anonymous

    I get your point but he's already wreacked inside and out. Imagine being raped by a prof when you're just a kid knowing nothing at all? Imagine being criticised by your OWN mom instead of loving him and making him feel better? Do you know the feeling? And now he's being critized by the family of lance and even begged him to leave by his side. If he's thinking about himself, he wouldn't leave. Seeing lance has a whole family loving him and supporting him makes him feel more miserable and doesn't know what to do, resulting if he didn't give it a thought, the family (danny didn't even have) will turn their back on lance. Because danny knows how it feels, he's only choice is to leave by his side. He didn't think about himself at all. He never did. Lance is not the only one suffering here, they are both suffering here.
    His mind is totally in mess where all that shtty things happen in his life, knowing how painful it was. Imagining it to happen also with lance, he couldn't bear it.

    Rin Hana July 25, 2019 2:16 pm
    I get your point but he's already wreacked inside and out. Imagine being raped by a prof when you're just a kid knowing nothing at all? Imagine being criticised by your OWN mom instead of loving him and making ... Her Highness

    Couldn’t agree more! Ppl keep saying Danny is selfish&idiot for following what lance fmily asked. Danny is helpless. I feel sorry for him. He had experience of being thrown by family, he just doesn’t want lance to go thru what he had been thru. Its truly sad when ppl said he is a coward without understand his mental state.

    PXR July 25, 2019 5:46 pm
    Couldn’t agree more! Ppl keep saying Danny is selfish&idiot for following what lance fmily asked. Danny is helpless. I feel sorry for him. He had experience of being thrown by family, he just doesn’t wa... Rin Hana

    But after all that how can someone trust the other anymore?
    How can he trust that in the future something else might happen and then he would repeat the same shit again that would be hard...... That Danny never tried once to be with Lance of course Lance in the end is going to keep on feeling insecure..
    Like how he said in the extras

    little_bb09 July 25, 2019 8:42 pm
    But after all that how can someone trust the other anymore? How can he trust that in the future something else might happen and then he would repeat the same shit again that would be hard...... That Danny never... PXR

    I suppose I kind of understand, you can make a thousand excuses- past trauma, neglect, the difficulty of coming, family disapproval and lack of support, but the straight up FILTHY truth is that in his own fear and self-disgust Danny almost ruined Lance. DANNY HURT LANCE *fact*. this is shown in detail when Lance's blonde friend found him sitting in his own filth(and some blood) after danny left him for the second time. Danny basically blamed Lance for not being able to help him as a child.
    And while I do like Danny's character, I dont think he's in the frame of mind to be in a relationship. Which is why he keeps running- they need to show him working to fix his mental problems and trying to support Lance

    Mary July 26, 2019 1:51 pm
    where did you read the raws? can you share the link for it? :) please! godrena
