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For those of you who are hating on non-amnesiac Hirofumi: if YOUR boyfriend locked you in ...

Procrastinating April 26, 2013 12:22 am

For those of you who are hating on non-amnesiac Hirofumi: if YOUR boyfriend locked you in his apartment, and chained you to the bed, and did as he liked to you and wouldn't even let you go to take a shower, are you saying you wouldn't want to run away?
The way he is now is only human.
Amnesiac Hirofumi did all that because he was living in the moment, losing time, and needed to make sure he'd stay with Daigo when he recovered his memories. The current Hirofumi needs to consider the future. At this point, if nothing changes, it'll only get worse.

    Remmy May 6, 2013 1:59 am

    Bravo- I always thought he did pretty well considering how out of touch he felt with his own life. And losing 2 years off your life is a serious issue. Where as the amnesiac has nothing to lose- he didn't have any preconceptions about society or having creepy stalker memories. -So he was more pure.

    Nope May 11, 2013 8:32 pm

    Why didnt he go to the doctor which knows their situation to inform about Daigo and find a shelter? Yeah, its OK to run away but why at a woman that he also has NO memory of. Not so smart, eh?
    Sorry to be a horrible person but I think it ends better if Daigo actually dies then he knows what he has done. And sorry, but the suicidal pill is a lousy solution. Hiro with his wishy-washy attitude and Daigo with unresolved problem, its a matter of time he kills himself again. But this time its faster and more dangerous coz there is a suicidal pill.

    Hmmm. August 3, 2013 11:23 am

    @Nope: I didn't read it as a suicidal pill. I figured it was just some kind of feel good painkiller that wouldn't do anything but drug him up. That's not what Hirofumi was intending the pill for - he's using it as a placebo (something with no harmful effect, but the patient believes it works). I'm sure Hirofumi is betting on living a long life, and he just wanted something to give to Daigo to ease his mind - a placebo, a sugar pill.

    When my kids were very young, I put water in a spray bottle, marked it with a special sticker, and told them that it kept monsters away, and they believed it, and loved it.